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Handmade Cotton Rug - Off-White - 59x39''
Tapis coton blanc écru tissé au Portugal Tapis en coton Blanc écru
Tapis coton blanc écru tissé au Portugal #DRAFT Tapis en coton Blanc écru rayé
Tapis artisanal gris foncé I Tapis artisanal portugais Tapis Artisanal - Gris foncé
Portuguese handmade Rug - Grey
Portuguese handmade Rug - Light Grey
Portuguese handmade Rug - Brown
Tapis Artisanal - Beige moucheté
Portuguese handmade Rug - Beige
Tapis artisanal blanc cassé I Tapis artisanal portugais Tapis Artisanal - Blanc cassé
Portuguese handmade Rug - Dark red
Portuguese handmade Rug - Red
Portuguese handmade Rug - Orange
Portuguese handmade Rug - Pink
Portuguese handmade Rug - Dark green
Portuguese handmade Rug - Green
Portuguese handmade Rug - Light green
Tapis artisanal bleu I Tapis artisanal portugais Tapis Artisanal - Turquoise
Portuguese handmade Rug - Light Blue
Handmade Carpet - Custom made
Portuguese Handmade Rug 79x55" - Black
Black & White Striped Handmade Rug 79x55"
Woven Rug in recycled fibres - Grey
Woven Rug in recycled fibres - Beige
Handmade Striped Rug - Black, beige, yellow
Handmade Striped Rug - White, beige, brown
Handmade Striped Rug - Pink, purple, beige
Handmade Striped Rug - Blue, grey, beige
Handmade Striped Rug - Green, grey, beige
Handmade Striped Rug - Grey, beige
Tapis Artisanal rayé - Bleu, blanc
Natural Fiber Handmade Carpet 79x59" - Orange
Natural Fiber Handmade Carpet 79x59" - Pink
Natural Fiber Handmade Carpet 79x59" - Blue
Natural Fiber Handmade Carpet 79x59" - Beige
Natural Fiber Handmade Carpet 79x59" - Green
63 results


Rugs combining modernity and tradition. The most popular carpets in Portugal are the "tapte Puxado". Made from recycled cotton scraps, woven by hand, they are particularly ecological carpets. They are generally used as bath mats but their modern patterns and bright colors allow you to find them in every room of the house.

Handmade carpets. The craft industry has remained very present in Portugal and particularly in the rural areas of the North. It is there that, sometimes, whole villages organize themselves in cooperatives or small workshops, around an old restored loom, to make beautiful, cheerful and colorful carpets.

Carpets in wool or cotton. The growing interest in traditional arts, the long tradition of wool sheep breeding in the "Serra da Estrela" and the restoration of old looms allows the development of small workshops that produce extraordinary Portuguese wool carpets.

The bath carpets, however, remain the best known. They are small cotton carpets present in all the Portuguese houses. Hand-woven, particularly heavy and non-slip, sturdy and above all machine washable, they are today available in an infinity of colors.